Developing Irish Sea Cooperation (DISC)

The Executive Office is partnering with the Southern Regional Assembly, Welsh Government and Scottish Government to deliver a Peace Plus project ‘Developing Irish Sea Cooperation’ under Measure 6.1 Strategic Engagement and Planning.

About the project

The focus of the project is to provide a framework and identify best practice for leveraging knowledge and expertise from across and around the Irish Sea Space to explore divergence and administrative/legal barriers to greater cross border co-operation, both North South and East West.

This Project will focus on 3 themes:

  • Sustainable Blue Economy
  • Innovation through health and life sciences and
  • Communities & Culture.

If you have any queries on this project or would like to get in touch about it, please e-mail


The DISC project is supported by PEACEPLUS, a programme managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB).

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