The purpose of this consultation is to set out the Department’s assessment of the impact of the Draft Budget on spending proposals for the 2021/22 financial year.
Consultation description
TEO is running an 8 week consultation on the department’s Budget Equality Screening document. TEO will analyse the responses to its own consultation and consider the findings of the Section 75 Screening Exercise and use them to inform future budgetary considerations.
The department welcomes interest and comment on any aspects of this document.
Interested parties are encouraged to make responses by the consultation closing date of 25 May 2021.
List of Consultation Questions
As set out in the attached document, the department is facing a constrained financial position in 2021/22. The department would welcome your views on its draft Budget allocation. As the period for consultation is limited, it would be helpful if consultation responses were focused on the following questions:
- Are there any data, needs or issues in relation to any of the Section 75 equality categories that have not been identified in the screening consultation document? If so, what are they? Please provide details.
- Are there any adverse impacts in relation to any of the Section 75 equality groups that have not been identified in the Section 75 screening consultation document? If so, what are they?
- Please state what action you think could be taken to reduce or eliminate any adverse impacts in allocation of the Department’s draft budget?
- Are there any other comments you would like to make in relation to the consultation process generally?
Comments on the department’s draft Budget 2021/22 allocation and Section 75 Screening Exercise can be submitted to the following email address: with a subject heading: Draft Budget Consultation.
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.