Executive confirms changes to Coronavirus Regulations
Date published:
Relaxations to the Coronavirus restrictions due to take effect over the coming days have been ratified by the Executive.
Following an update on the transmission rate of Coronavirus, which remains at a low level, the Executive confirmed the easements at its meeting today.
The changes agreed are:
- Museums and galleries permitted to reopen from tomorrow, 3 July.
- Reopening of bookmakers from tomorrow, 3 July.
- Resumption of further close contact service, including massage, spas, tattooing and piercing from Monday, 6 July. (The relaxation pertaining to spas does not apply to thermal treatment aspects of spas, including saunas and steam rooms, hydrotherapy pools and cold and ice rooms.)
- Bars and restaurants in Private Members’ Clubs and social clubs will also be permitted to open from tomorrow, 3 July, to serve food and refreshment in line with the guidelines for the wider hospitality sector.
All relaxations have been agreed on the basis of all relevant public health guidance and mitigating measures being implemented in advance of reopening.
Not all venues that are permitted to open from a particular date will necessarily open from that date. Organisations should proceed at a speed which is safe and appropriate for their individual sites.
The Executive has agreed that the use of face coverings on public transport will be mandatory from Friday, 10 July. Guidance and exemptions will be communicated in advance of this change taking effect.
Notes to editors:
- Media enquiries should be directed to the relevant department using the following email addresses:
The Executive Office: Press.Office@executiveoffice-ni.gov.uk;
Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs: PressOffice.Group@daera-ni.gov.uk;
Department for Communities: Press.Office@communities-ni.gov.uk;
Department of Education: Press.Office@education-ni.gov.uk;
Department for the Economy: PressOffice@economy-ni.gov.uk;
Department of Finance: dof.pressoffice@finance-ni.gov.uk
Department for Infrastructure: Press.Office@infrastructure-ni.gov.uk
Department of Health: PressOffice@health-ni.gov.uk
Department of Justice: Press.Office@justice-ni.x.gsi.gov.uk
- The Executive Information Service operates an out of hours service for media enquiries between 1800hrs and 0800hrs Monday to Friday and at weekends and public holidays. The duty press officer can be contacted on 028 9037 8110.