Urban Villages Initiative Strategic Frameworks
Date published:
The Urban Villages Initiative is designed to improve good relations outcomes and develop thriving places where there has been a history of deprivation and community tension. The Urban Villages Initiative is a headline action within the NI Executive’s Together: Building a United Community Strategy. It is outcome focused and collaborative in keeping with the Programme for Government (PfG) framework.
Strategic Frameworks have been completed for each of the five Urban Village areas. These have been shaped by extensive community consultation and wider stakeholder engagement to identify the challenges and strengths of each place. They will support joined-up delivery by central and local government and wider stakeholders in support of the TBUC Strategy’s overarching priorities as well as PfG outcomes. This is already happening.
Delivery of the Urban Villages Initiative can support shared outcomes across a range of stakeholders, providing meaningful examples of how local communities can shape specific actions and more fully inform investment decisions to realise the ambitions of an outcomes based approach.
To download a copy of the Urban Villages Initiative Strategic Frameworks, please see below: