The strategic objectives of the Social Investment Fund are:
- Pathways to Employment;
- Addressing Deprivation;
- Increasing Community Services; and
- Addressing Dereliction.
Progress to date
SIF provided funding to 46 capital projects which are delivering improvements to 106 premises. In making improvements to these capital builds, as well as providing a vital community hub to increase the level of community services being delivered, the investment is also contributing towards regenerating areas and tackling dereliction to make neighbourhoods more appealing. All 46 capital projects (106 premises) with investment of £46.2 million have completed construction and are operational.
Local people in disadvantaged communities are now directly benefiting from the opportunities being provided from the Fund. Over 377,000 people have availed of the community services on offer in SIF operational capital builds.
The majority of projects contribute to more than one of the above objectives. The capital projects contribute to the Addressing Dereliction objective. The capital projects range from new builds on derelict sites, extensive extensions and redevelopment through to small improvements to enable community services to continue.
Public surveys have assessed the physical regeneration of deprived communities by collecting before and after scores. The aggregated aesthetic scores collected to date for capital projects/elements of capital projects that have completed construction show an average ‘pre-capital works’ score of 3.1 out of 10 and an average ‘post-capital works’ score of 9.1 out of 10 giving an overall aesthetics increase of 6.0.
The Social Investment Fund produced a number of short films on the outcomes achieved by the SIF projects. To view the film that focuses on the SIF capital projects supported by the Social Investment Fund please access the link below.
For more information on all SIF projects please access on the link below: