What is the Participatory Design Process (PDP)?
During consultation and engagement with communities it became evident that the Communities in Transition initiative must be an ongoing, iterative process. Taking account of community and stakeholder feedback, the participatory design process was developed in direct recognition of the need to take time to develop appropriate and robust proposals.
This second phase of the project will see further direct engagement with communities and key statutory stakeholders, to refine ideas and proposals brought forward during Phase 1 to develop them into a range of deliverable and meaningful projects and to ensure that activities commissioned are responsive to local contexts and need. This process will help ensure that communities have a role in shaping and influencing activity, and in turn increase the chances of success.
A range of activities will be delivered to support this participatory design phase. Some of these ‘Intermediary Actions’ will include training for communities on understanding the tendering process and how to develop and submit a bid; and engagement around community ownership of the expression of culture and identity in the public space.
Participatory Design Process – Events
The participatory design process will be facilitated through a series of tailored conversations, workshops and seminars to identify the need for each intervention and clearly demonstrate additionality and complementarity to existing provision.
These events will give all those who live, work and volunteer in each of the areas a chance to identify the outcomes they want to achieve and to consider the role the community should have in the delivery of practical solutions that will tackle paramilitary activity, criminality and organised crime. Each session is area specific and will focus on a particular theme identified through the first phase of the project.
Details of all events and how to register can be found on the Co-operation Ireland website.