Our Population: What Matters Most?

This publication aims to explore the day-to-day issues that were most important to the people of Northern Ireland, using five questions in the Northern Ireland Omnibus Survey, January 2015.

This publication has been used to support the Delivering Social Change (DSC) framework, which sought to co-ordinate across government departments to take forward work on priority social policy areas, including poverty and associated issues across all ages, children and young people’s health, well-being and life opportunities thereby breaking the long term cycle of multi-generational problems.

It has further been used as a basis for gathering information on the public’s priorities for the draft Programme for Government Outcomes.

Current Publications


For more information on this research, you can contact us at: pfganalytics@executiveoffice-ni.gov.uk

In writing:

Room E4.10
Castle Buildings
Stormont Estate

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