The purpose of this consultation is to seek views on the new Strategic Framework to End Violence Against Women and Girls and Foundational Action Plan, being led by the Executive Office.
- Strategic Framework to End Violence Against Women and Girls
- Action Plan
- Consultation Paper - Strategic Framework to End Violence Against Women and Girls and Foundational Action Plan
- Easy Read Consultation Paper - Strategic Framework to End Violence Against Women and Girls
- Draft Equality Impact Assessment
- Privacy Notice
Consultation description
Please visit our online consultation page to share your views on the Strategic Framework to End Violence Against Women and Girls, Foundational Action Plan and Equality Impact Assessment.
This is a draft seven-year Strategic Framework to End Violence Against Women and Girls mandated by the Northern Ireland Executive. It has been co-designed with over 50 partners from across government, community and voluntary sectors and organisations, as well as wider society. Importantly, these partners also include those with lived experience.
It sets the agenda for all of government and society here to end violence against women and girls. The framework is ambitious, long term, and wide reaching. It is a living document which will be adapted along the journey according to emerging needs.
The Foundational Action Plan establishes our work for the remainder of 2023/24. This approach allows us to make progress in the challenging financial climate this year, and to align our planning cycle with the financial year from March 2024. As we go forward, further conversations will be needed to allow us to advise the Executive on decisions to be taken on budgets and priorities.
The proposals for the Strategic Framework and Foundational Action Plan are subject to the views of the Executive who will be responsible for final approval.
Copies in other languages and formats (including Braille, large print etc.), can be made available on request. If you require the document in an alternative format, or language other than English, please contact us at, or at the address below.
Online Engagement Events
The consultation exercise will also be supported by a number of online public engagement events which anyone can attend. The scheduled dates are:
- Tuesday 25th July - 10.00 - 11.30
- Tuesday 8th August - 14.00 - 15.30
- Thursday 17th August - 10.00 - 11.30
- Wednesday 6th September - 19.00 - 20.30
- Tuesday 19th September - 10.00-11.30
You can book your ticket on the Eventbrite website
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.