A Respect Index for Northern Ireland (as measured by the Everyday Discrimination Scale): 2016 – 2023

Date published: 16 May 2024

This report presents data on the Respect Index, which measures perceptions of discrimination experienced by individuals in their daily lives. This report brings together data from eight years: 2016 - 2023.

Statistical news release - OFMDFM

Key findings are:

  • 20% (of NILT 2023 survey respondents) felt respected; this is a significant decrease (of 8 percentage points) since 2016.
  • The same proportion of male and female respondents (20%) felt respected.
  • There were no statistically significant differences between Protestant (22%), Catholic (20%) or ‘Other’ (18%) respondents feeling respected.
  • The age group with the lowest proportion feeling respected was the 18-24 age group (7%); the age group with the highest proportion feeling respected was the 65+ age group (35%) which was significantly higher than all other age groups.
  • 17% of respondents with disabilities and 21% of those without disabilities felt respected. This difference was not statistically significant.

The report is available on the Statistics and Research Branch website at:


Further information relating to the collection and production of the statistics can be obtained by contacting:

Caoimhe Stewart – Assistant Statistician
Statistics and Research Branch, The Executive Office
Block 4E | Castle Buildings | Stormont | Belfast | BT4 3SR
Email: caoimhe.stewart@executiveoffice-ni.gov.uk
Tel: (028) 90522644 |   DD: 22644

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