Good Relations Indicators 2019 Report

Date published: 04 August 2022

The good relations strategy 'Together: Building a United Community' was published by the Northern Ireland Executive in May 2013.

The Strategy sets out a range of actions and commitments for government departments, communities and individuals who will work together to build a united community and achieve change against four key strategic priorities:

  • Our Children and Young People
  • Our Shared Community
  • Our Safe Community
  • Our Cultural Expression

The Good Relations Indicators were developed to monitor progress against these four key strategic priorities.

Correction notice 24th November 2022: The Good Relations Indicators 2019 Report was revised on 24th November 2022 to correct an error which was identified in how religion and gender breakdowns were calculated. This error occurred due to a change in software used to generate the report. The report and tables have been updated with the correct values. Further details can be found in the Correction Notice.

The Good Relations Indicators 2019 Report can be viewed via the link below:

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