About TEO Official Statistics

Analytical Unit is made up of Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) statisticians.

The four branches within Analytical Unit support TEO policy areas including:

  • Programme for Government
  • Good Relations (T:BUC)
  • Racial Equality and Ethnic Monitoring
  • Ending Violence against Women and Girls
  • Urban Villages Initiative
  • Victims and Survivors
  • Equality
  • Social Investment Fund
  • Refugee and Asylum Support
  • International Relations, Europe and Post-EU Exit
  • Civil Contingencies
  • Covid Recovery

Analytical Unit works across these policy areas to:

  • Produce official statistical reports to deliver actionable insights
  • Embed data analytics to optimise the use of data to enable policy colleagues to make better decisions
  • Partner with policymakers to develop resilient, evidence-based policies.

Our statistics are produced in accordance with the pillars and principles set out in the UK Statistics Authority's Code of Practice for Official Statistics  and under the Statistics and Registration Services Act 2007 and is regulated by the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR).

Statistical policies and statements

A number of policies and statements have been developed to set out the ways in which Official Statistics produced by TEO comply with the pillars and principles contained in the Code. These can be accessed below:

Statistical Policies and Statements

Pre-release access

Northern Ireland legislation is in place to allow pre-release access to Official Statistics. All departments have published Statements of Compliance with the legislation. The TEO statement of compliance can be accessed below:

Pre-release Compliance Statements 

Pre-release access lists:

Publication schedule

The publication schedule is below:



Last update

Next update

Attitudes to Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Northern Ireland

Annual 26 October 2023

Summer/Autumn 2024

Good Relations Indicators Report


7 March 2023

Autumn 2023

Individual Wellbeing in Northern Ireland


15 November 2023

Autumn 2024

Nation Brands Index: Report for Northern Ireland


13 December 2023

Autumn/Winter 2024

Nation Brands Index 2023: Supplementary Questions

Ad hoc

6 June 2024


Public Appointments Report for Northern Ireland


28 March 2023

Summer/Autumn 2023

Racial Equality Indicators


30 March 2023

Spring 2024

Respect Index


20 December 2022

Winter 2023

Violence Against Women and Girls – 16 Year OIds


14 October 2022

Autumn/Winter 2023

Violence Against Women and Girls – Adults



Summer 2023

Young People's Attitudes to Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Northern Ireland


15 May 2024

To be announced


For general enquiries, data requests and feedback, contact

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