Research Publication: Every Voice Matters! Violence Against Women in Northern Ireland
Date published:
Research led by Dr Susan Lagdon, Prof. Dr Marcin Owczarek, Dr Ngozi Anyadike-Danes and Prof. Mark Shevlin, Ulster University, and Dr Claire McCartan and Julie-Ann Jordan from the IMPACT Research Centre.Commentary below by Dr Susan Lagdon, Ulster University
We spoke with 34 women and surveyed over 540 more to get a better understanding of violence against women living in Northern Ireland with a goal of providing a voice to those that often feel they have been silenced. We are indebted to every woman who has shared their experience, insight and recommendations for the future.
The research findings have demonstrated the extensive nature of violence against women and girls living in Northern Ireland. Women are being exposed to a variety of harmful behavior from childhood right through to adulthood with implications for their mental health as well as their social functioning.
Women hold a central role in shaping society and the generations to come. Violence against women and girls does not end with women and girls, the impacts are far reaching including significant impacts on our young boys and men.
The evidence from this report and many others have demonstrated that we need to respond now, we have a duty of care to ensure that this issue no longer remains behind closed doors nor the repeat item on the agenda for change.