Nation Brands Index

The Anholt Ipsos Nation Brands Index (NBI) is used to assess and monitor Northern Ireland’s international reputation.

Northern Ireland has been included on the Nation Brands IndexSM each year since 2016. The NBI measures and ranks the reputations of 60 nations across Six Dimensions: Exports; Governance; Culture; People; Tourism; and Immigration and Investment.

Current publications

Explore the data

Previous publications

Nation Brands Index: reports for Northern Ireland

Six Dimensions (of the Nation Brands Index)

Following user consultation, the analyses previously contained in the Six Dimensions bulletins have been consolidated into the main report and associated dashboard. Therefore, the Six Dimensions series has been discontinued.

Additional reports


We would like to hear what you think about the latest NBI report – what works, what does not, and what would be useful to include. Please complete this short survey or send us an email with your comments.

For more details, or for help in completing the survey, please contact:

In writing:

Block E
Castle Buildings
Stormont Estate

Related to Nation Brands Index

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How to request information from the Executive Office including Freedom of Information (FOI) and the use of our Publication Scheme.

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