TEO Public Task Statement
This statement outlines the Executive Office’s (TEO) core public tasks for the purposes of the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015 (RPSI). TEO is one of nine Northern Ireland departments which constitute the Northern Ireland Executive.
Public Task
The overall aim of TEO is to build a peaceful and prosperous society with respect for the rule of law where everyone can enjoy a better quality of life now and in years to come. In pursuing the overall aim, the Department’s key interlinked tasks areas follows.
- The effective operation of the institutions of government in the delivery of the Executive’s Programme for Government.
- Building a united, shared and reconciled community and improving community relations by delivering a strategic approach to good relations through the delivery of the Together: Building a United Community programme.
- Tackling disadvantage and promoting equality of opportunity by driving a programme across Government to reduce poverty, promoting and protecting the interests of victims and survivors and other socially excluded groups and addressing inequality and disadvantage.
- Driving investment and sustainable development through regeneration of strategic former military sites, promoting effective long-term capital planning and delivery, and promoting the Executive’s policy interests internationally.
Re-use of Public Sector Information
All information held by TEO which was collected or created in accordance with its public task is available for re-use, unless the re-use is excluded by the RPSI regulations. The regulations do not apply where, for example, a third party owns relevant intellectual property rights, or if access to information is restricted under the Data Protection Act 2018, the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. Any person may apply to TEO for permission to reuse information, which relates to its public tasks.
Permission may be granted by way of:
- an Open Government License, or
- a licence for which charges may be made.
Permission to re-use information does not affect any requirement to pay a statutory fee for access to information or to a document, and is subject to any other access issues being resolved. Our Publication Scheme sets out the information which we have already made available for re-use.
To apply to TEO for permission to re-use public sector information, please contact the Departmental Information Manager by email to: foi@executiveoffice-ni.gov.uk or by post using the detail on the Information Management Unit contact us page
Should you wish to make a complaint under the regulations, you should write to us in the first instance at the addresses above. If you are still not satisfied, you may also refer your complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office.
This public task statement is reviewed at least annually. It was last reviewed in June 2024.