SIF provided funding of over £1.5m for the construction of a new community development facility. The purpose is to address the deficiencies and disjointed nature of the current arrangements, and allow Walkway Community Association to consolidate their role in addressing the pronounced economic and social needs prevailing in the community.
Project Name: | Walkway |
Zone: | Belfast East |
Category: | Capital |
Social Investment Fund Outcome: | Increasing Community Services |
Status: | Operational – Construction Complete |
Funding awarded: | £1,695,229 |

About the Project:
The Walkway project was one element of the Increasing Community Services cluster project which sought to increase community provision in areas of deprivation in the SIF Belfast East zone. The project involved the construction of a two storey, multi-purpose, integrated community development facility for the Walkway Community Association which will improve the quality and capacity of the Association's delivery of important youth, social and community services. They provide local community development support through programmes and activities such as: youth work, mothers and toddlers, and women's groups. The group previously had use of five separate disjointed locations in the area. This new modern facility will integrate all the activities of the group into one central building.
The new building incorporates many new features including a reception area, a large multi-purpose main hall, a dedicated fit for purpose crèche area, meeting rooms, offices, computer/training area, games/youth drop in area, kitchen, three stores and toilet facilities.
Progress to date:
The Walkway project has completed construction and is operational. The new integrated community development facility will be a valuable asset to the local community allowing Walkway Community Association to enhance its community service provision. Particular focus will be on housing a range of activities and supports such as the provision of childcare facilities to encourage economic activity, youth activities to address under attainment and a range of health and social wellbeing activities suiting the needs of everyone in the local areas in SIF Belfast East zone.
Monitoring and evaluation of all Social Investment Fund projects is carried out using “Outcomes Based Accountability” (OBA). Where SIF has funded capital works, the project provides quarterly “post-capital” data for a period of 3 years which details the positive impacts enabled by the capital works undertaken. The Walkway project has completed construction and OBA data collection is ongoing for the final capital infographic.