T:BUC Camps Programme
The T:BUC Camps Programme is one of the seven headline actions of the T:BUC Strategy. The Education Authority (EA) act as Programme Administrator for the T:BUC Camps Programme on behalf of the Executive Office (TEO).
T:BUC Camps Programme 2025/26 – Applications
Applications for the 2025/26 T:BUC Camps programme are now closed. Any awards in funding are subject to the availability of budget. Further information on future funding rounds will be available on the Education Authority website – http://eanifunding.org.uk/tbuc/
T:BUC Camps Colour Run
What is the aim of the Programme?
Beginning in summer 2015, the Camps programme is about challenging historic positions, encouraging debate and discussion and providing a way for young people from different backgrounds to get to know each other, try new experiences, have fun and help to build longer term relationships
Golden Apples Players 2022-23 camp - 'When Hope and History Rhyme'
How is the Programme delivered?
The programme provides a range of opportunities for young people aged 9 to 25 years old to come together to have fun and build positive relationships with other young people from different backgrounds.
Camps must be delivered on a cross-community basis, with good relations learning at the heart of every camp.
Participants in the T:BUC Camps programme are also offered the opportunity to take part in Camps in the Community events which provide a space for the sharing of best practice, meeting young people from other Camps and celebrating achievements.
TBUC Camps in the Community Event held in Greenhill
What difference has the Programme made?
Over £12 million of funding has been awarded to date and over 950 Camps have been delivered to over 33,000 young people. A further 112 Camps are being delivered in 2024/25. View the Shared Learning Report 2021-22 here.
T:BUC Camps Programme 2023/24

T:BUC Camps Programme 2022/23

T:BUC Camps Programme 2021/22

In 2021/22 the Programme built on the challenges of delivering during the pandemic and there was a significant increase in the number of Camps delivered from the previous year. 110 were Camps delivered to over 3,300 young people.
The infographic above shows some of the key outcomes from the T:BUC Camps Programme 2021/22.

T:BUC Camps Programme 2020/21
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, 2020/21 was a very challenging year for groups to deliver with the ever changing guidelines and social distancing measures in place. Groups were required to find alternative and innovative ways to deliver, with many groups moving to online platforms for the majority of their programme.

As a result, 75 groups successfully delivered T:BUC Camps in 2020/21. The following infographic shows some of the key outcomes from the T:BUC Camps Programme 2020/21.
The selection of short articles below provides details on the work groups have delivered over recent years.
• News articles TBUC Camps news stories
A list of the funding awarded for the T:BUC Camps Programme 2020/21 can be accessed via the Education Authority website.
Further information & Contact details
Further information available here or email: tbuc@eani.org.uk
Twitter - @tbuccamps Facebook - fb.me/tbuccamps
T:BUC CAMPS, The Journey
Equality Impact Screening and Statement of Impact
The Section 75 Screening Form of the T:BUC Camps Programme. Together: Building a United Community - Section 75 Equality Screening Form | The Executive Office (executiveoffice-ni.gov.uk)
Rural Impact Statement
It is intended that the Summer Camps Programme would have a positive impact on young people living in both urban and rural areas. In order to rural proof this policy, we have developed a Rural Impact Statement for the programme. Rural Impact Statement.