Central Good Relations Fund
The Central Good Relations Fund (CGRF) supports constituted voluntary and community sector groups to deliver good relations projects where there is evidence of identified good relations need.
Applications for the 2025/26 Central Good Relations Fund (CGRF) funding programme has now closed. Any awards of funding are subject to the availability of budget.
T:BUC Central Good Relations Fund Video
About the Programme
Since 2016, over £25 million has been awarded to support more than 780 projects across Northern Ireland which has impacted on over 260,000 people. These CGRF projects with a good relations focus also include a wide range of activities such as sport, music, drama, arts and crafts, to engage with and make a difference in local communities whilst contributing to peace building and reconciliation. In addition, these projects provide important opportunities to develop new skills, gain qualifications, build self-confidence, develop new friendships, and to celebrate and embrace cultural diversity.
There are two streams of funding available; Project Funding and Small Grants.
For both streams, projects can claim salaries and programme costs, but these costs must be proportional to the good relations project being delivered. CGRF does not, and will not, replace mainstream core or project funding for groups.
Project Funding opens once a year for applications. Small Grants are open for applications throughout the funding year and are available for projects up to £1,500.
2025/26 Central Good Relations Fund – Project Funding (over £1,500)
Applications for the 2025/26 Central Good Relations Fund (CGRF) funding programme closed on Wednesday 29th January at 4pm.
Successful projects must deliver within the funding year and contribute towards the delivery of one of the Together: Building a United Community (T:BUC) Strategy key priorities. Applications are welcomed, in particular, for good relations projects that include a focus on:
- Developing the capacity within and across communities to build good relations;
- Involving the hardest to reach participants i.e. those that have not been engaged or had limited engagement in Good Relations projects;
- Single identity projects where there is a Good Relations need to develop an understanding of one’s own culture and traditions as well as the cultures and traditions of others;
- Delivering against the T:BUC Key Priority – ‘Our Safe Community’ (with the outcomes being: to reduce the prevalence of hate crime and intimidation and/or to have a community where places and spaces are safe for all);
- Environmental activities and benefits;
- Social action activities;
- Delivery of projects within geographical areas where there has been a change in demographics, an increase in racist and/or sectarian hate incidents, and where there is an evidenced GR need; and
- Delivery of projects within the Armagh Banbridge and Craigavon, Antrim and Newtownabbey and Lisburn and Castlereagh council areas which have seen a statistical increase in sectarian and/or racist incidents, and where there is an evidenced GR need.
The programme is open to properly constituted community groups and voluntary organisations. Examples include Association, Trust, Company limited by Guarantee, Community Interest Company, Charitable Incorporated Organisation or Industrial and Provident Society.
To be eligible for funding, your organisation must:
- be legally able to operate in Northern Ireland.
- be independent, not for profit, and have a constitution or set of rules defining your aims, objectives and operational procedures.
- have a suitable management structure and appropriate financial controls.
- comply with relevant legislative requirements in respect of employment, health and safety, discrimination and equality of opportunity.
Applying for CGRF Project Funding (over £1,500)
Applications to the Central Good Relations Fund 2025/26 for project funding (over £1,500) are now closed.
To access the online application portal, you must first register your organisation. However, if you have previously registered, you DO NOT need to register again. Please follow the link below and enter your username and password in the ‘Local Account Login’ section to log in to the application portal.
Already Registered? Login to apply for a 2025/26 CGRF grant.
For those groups that have NOT already registered, please use the link below to register:
- Register to be able to apply for a 2025/26 CGRF grant - On the nidirect website.
- The 2025/26 CGRF Guidance Notes also contain a Step-by-Step Guide to Registration and a Step-by-Step Guide to the Application Form.
The deadline for applications was Wednesday 29th January 4pm. Any registrations submitted after that time will not be accepted.
Support will be available during office-hours throughout the online application process. You can contact the Central Good Relations Team using details contained in the following link: the Central Good Relations Fund Team.
CGRF 2025/26 Online Information Sessions
Information sessions will be hosted by the CGRF Team. To register your attendance please click the session of your choice below.
- Session 1 – Tuesday 7 January 2025 @ 10.30am
- Session 2 – Monday 13 January 2025 @ 2.30pm
Session 3 - Thursday 23 January 2025 @ 10.30am
Should you require any reasonable adjustments in place for your attendance, please email goodrelationsfund@executiveoffice-ni.gov.uk in advance of your selected information session.
What is the aim of the Fund?
Successful projects must contribute towards the delivery of one of the Together: Building a United Community (T:BUC) Strategy key priorities.
These projects with a strong good relations focus can use a wide range of activities such as sport, music, arts, personal development, leadership, educational attainment, and peace and reconciliation to engage with and make a difference in local communities.
Projects can claim salaries and programme costs, but these costs must be proportional to the good relations project being delivered. CGRF does not replace mainstream core or project funding for groups.
How is the Fund delivered?
There are two streams of funding available; Project Funding (opens once a year for applications) and Small Grants (open for applications throughout the funding year, available for projects up to £1,500).
Springboard Opportunities Limited delivering the 'Fusion+ NW' project in 2022/23
Ulster GAA delivering the 'Cúchulainn Initiative' project in 2022/23
What difference has the Fund made?

You can read more about the T:BUC Strategy via the links below:
Small Grant delivery up to 31 March 2024
Due to unprecedented demand and a limited budget for the 2024/25 funding year, applications to the CGRF’s Small Grants Programme are currently suspended. Should any additional funding become available in-year, the Department will review its position. Guidance notes on the Small Grants Programme are available via the link below:
Central Good Relations Fund – Project Funding
Applications to the 2024/25 Central Good Relations Fund are now closed with delivery underway.
2024/25 CGRF funded projects:
2023/24 CGRF funded projects:
2022/23 CGRF funded projects:
2021/22 CGRF funded projects:
Contact details
Contact the Central Good Relations Fund Team for any queries in relation to the funding programme.